I was recently introduced to a decentralized social network named Nostr as a very strong rival to Twitter. The name is an acronym for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relay”. The really nice thing is that posts are resistant to censorship and are cryptographically validated.

Nostr is the technology and one can use any number of Nostr apps to post Twitter-like updates. Authentication is handled with a public/private keypair that can be generated in different ways. I like using the nos2x browser extension which allows you to sign Nostr events on web-apps without having to give them your keys.

There are many apps you can use. It seems Snort is one of the most popular apps. The interface is similar to Twitter.

Check out the list of Nostr apps and their respective categories. The app nostr.watch has a nice list of available relays.

I will probably start posting my mixes on Nostr more. I am already thinking about closing my Twitter account since at the time of this writing those who aren’t logged into Twitter can’t even view posts.

For now you can check out my nostr.com social page or social apps linked below where I will post mixes and updates. All posts will show up across the Nostr ecosystem regardless of app one uses.

My Nostr social apps

Nostr address NIP-05

What is Nostr addresses (NIP-05) for Nostr?

“It’s a human readable identifier for your public key. It makes finding your profile on Nostr easier. It makes identifying your account easier. A NIP-05 ID also provides you with a shiny verified checkmark!”

My first verified NIP-05 address: aklein@nostrpurple.com

My Lightning (LN) address: ⚡ aklein@getalby.com

Sharing link: nostrpurple.com/s/aklein

Nostr address NIP-05 with my own custom domain

For fun I deployed my own verified NIP-05 address using a domain I actually own at aklein.pro with GitHub Pages so I don’t need to host anything myself. The config is a basic nostr.json file. Going to aklein.pro will redirect to my Snort page linked above.

My own verified NIP-05 addresses using my domain: aklein@aklein.pro, ak@aklein.pro

My Lightning (LN) address: ⚡ aklein@getalby.com

NIP-05 verified

Sharing link: aklein.pro